Acquiring funding becomes increasingly complex as various policies and
goals have to be taken into account. Foremost, the policies of the funder are
decisive. This does not only include identifying calls but also understanding
their policy background. In the case of the EU, the Horizon2020 programme
consists of strings of related calls. Most of the calls link to previous and
future ones. As one call may get a follow-up in later calls, the latter need to
integrate earlier project results. Compared to previous funding programmes like
FP7, writing a project proposal needs a better insight into earlier calls and
related policy documents. The EC has distinct views on what is aimed at in the
calls, and to ensure that this is understood attending the brokerage events
organized is imperative.
For most calls a
consortium of partners is formed, and all of the partners have their own project
history, strengths and policies for future development. Aligning these with the
call and the EC policies is quite a puzzle. Finding partners calls for networking,
for example, through the regular scientific conferences. Nowadays, networking
requires broader networks as most of the EU and national innovation funding concerns
multi-disciplinary research requiring collaboration of scholars from different
Most of the calls
do not just ask for validation of result, but emphasize higher degrees of
implementation such as industrial uptake. As a consequence of this, it is no
longer enough to include end-users that can verify if a solution or product
developed is suitable for practice, but the project should demonstrate that it
adds employment through creating business and innovation. There is far less
space for public merits, such as clever and cheap solutions for public use. Most
of the security calls, for example, now include developing technology that can
be marketed. If one would like to serve the public good as well as provide commercial
value, this takes an even more complicated balancing act of combining goals.
On top of this,
there are various networks that also align their activities in order to
increase their chances of getting funding. Big is assumed to be beautiful. Next to academic
institutions also many private businesses currently have specialized personnel that
monitors funding opportunities. Many kinds of organizations and networks have geared
their activities towards the funding instruments. The funding is structurizing
knowledge development, and the space to deviate from this is getting small.
A research
group needs the weight of the organization as a whole to get proper support by
Research and Innovation specialists, and this constitutes a chain up to the
funder, including also the national contact points of EU research funding. In addition, a whole market of
companies providing advice, training and project coordination has been created,
all geared towards EU funding. This gradually has changed the nature of the game,
and begins to show next to chances also negative features.
International and
national funders arrange preparation meetings and participative processes in
which topics are developed and network collaboration initiated. Placing topics
on the research agenda has become a long term process, involving intricate
networking along the lines created by the funder, but also along regional
lines. Many cities and regions have created innovation networks called triple helix
because they combine public and private organizations next to academic
institutes, and sometimes also civil society input. The latter intends to improve
collaboration and higher quality of innovation by the different partners.
However, it is obvious that all these networks also create a lot of overhead and
For research
coordinators, such as professors, it becomes increasingly difficult to connect
the large scale networking to the needs of their research group. They need to
apply for a portfolio of calls to combine some high risk and gain options with safe
and solid funding sources. They need to lobby through different discipline,
region, national and international networks. And they need to ensure that their
funding portfolio provides the policy and commercial interests of the funders,
next to delivering the academic output for their performance as a scholar.
Finally, they also need to arrange for the funding of doctoral students and
postdocs that individually need a suitable combination of projects to get to
the next stage in their career. For example, many EU projects have a duration
of three years, whereas a doctoral student needs four years to finish a
portfolio of publications. Matching all these different interests is exciting
but also very challenging.
Horizon2020 is very
different than the previous funding programme FP7. The EC marketed the programme enormously and the number of proposals has risen accordingly. For individual applicants the chances of getting funding have dropped dramatically. Although this EU programme
comprised a larger budget, at the same time many countries lowered their budget for national funding. Because there are so many proposals, also many new reviewers were recruited with less experience than the initial group, and often lack own experience as partner
or coordinator. Universities note that winning budget needs better support, and much attention structurally. End users cannot just be users with
good knowledge of the field anymore, but are increasingly replaced by an international group
of users helpful for taking the product into use and creating employment
impact. For country comparisons in Horizon2020 see also: and for Fins only:
Funding has created
its own intensive circus. We need to reflect on the positive and negative
consequences of the increase of scale initiated by changes in the structure of research funding.
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