25 Sept 2011

Communication axioms

Some years ago I met emeritus professor Osmo Wiio, the first professor in our field at the University of Helsinki. He talked about the communication laws that he published in 1980 in a book. He gave me the idea to write my own laws. Wiio’s laws show his great sense of humour, and this would be hard to imitate, but I have now attempted to make communication axioms that we will gradually backup by research in this direction. The axioms show my approach to communication by organizations.
1.             In postmodern society communication occurs in dynamic networks.
2.             In networked communication organizations have lost dominant voice and need to more actively monitor changing contexts.
3.             Many actors compete for attention in market and issues arenas.
4.             Online communication creates an abundance of data and opinions, but communication is often  only seemingly two-sided and true dialogue is lacking in the social media.
5.             Individuals tend to connect with those they share interests with, which further fragments audiences and creates polarisation in society.
6.             Interactions are difficult to predict but may gain resonance fast and have global consequences.
7.             Communication professionals need to develop smart strategies to exchange views in an open public debate and negotiate sustainable and inclusive solutions for wicked problems.

This modern list of statements may inspire to, along these lines, together further develop the field. And if, after all of this, you would like to enjoy (re)reading Wiio’s laws, here are some links: Communication usually fails & A commentary
Marita Vos

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