Over the last decennia, in many other countries, the number
of communication students has shown an enormous increase, following student
preferences and societal needs. In Finland, the number of places for students
per discipline is regulated. There are no entrance fees but selection of
candidates for an earlier set maximum number of freshmen. Over the years the
number of communication students has approximately remained the same, and thus
was kept artificially low compared with the number of applications. Only on the
BA level in applied sciences a raise is noted in the percentage of
communication students within the total number of students. At the national and
university level it seems that the planners are not aware of how different the
balance is when compared to other countries.
To quote Jason Schmitt in HuffPost: “At
a college near you, at this very moment, a student is switching their major to
Communication Studies. As an academic discipline, Communication Studies is
posting strong growth. ... Perhaps equally important is that the discipline
seems well positioned to maintain strong future growth potential.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jason-schmitt/communication-studies-ris_b_6025038.html
One can also wonder how to position communication studies
within universities. Interest has risen in connecting with organizational
studies and business schools. The EUPRERA 2015 Congress in Oslo (October 1-3),
has as its central theme “THE MANAGEMENT GAME OF
COMMUNICATION: How PR/Corporate Communication Supports Organizations and What
Communicators Can Learn from Management Disciplines”. http://euprera2015.no/
To quote the EUPRERA website: “Kotler
and Mindak in 1973 lamented the lack of management and economics courses for
Public Relations students as well as the refusal of business schools to teach
Public Relations. This state of affairs is not so much different today, as we see
communication graduates with little organisational/ business knowledge and
business graduates with little communication knowledge. ... There has been
growing understanding based on research that communication practitioners need
more business knowhow, that they need to have a better understanding of how
their organizations operate, and that a strategic orientation ensures that
communication executives are invited to participate early in organisational
strategic decision-making.” http://www.euprera.org/?p=125
These are interesting matters to discuss in Oslo, and at the
various universities.