When a crisis
hits, people look for information on Internet. Not many people know how to find
the suitable authority webpage for the current disaster. Usually they use a search engine and type
the name of the crisis. Then they first get a list of links to news sites and a diversity of other
mostly non-confirmed sources. In many cases the official websites of authorities
involved may not even be mentioned in the top of the search results, and this
is especially lacking in the later phases of a crisis. So maybe there is a good
team available providing much needed information, but their website is not
found by the search engines.
For this there
are several solutions. First, authorities may get higher on the list of search
results by using Google Adwords. Facilitating that people connect with official
crisis communication sources is not new, as for example many phones have
pre-arranged the crisis notification number 112, and television channels can be
interrupted for crisis messages according to regulations in many countries.
Second, one can
also invite traffic to the website by own interventions in the social media, using
a multi-channel
approach. Tweets are an efficient way to update authority information
on the crisis situation, and different public organizations involved can
coordinate content and use the same hashtag. Public organizations can include
links to their website in their tweets and postings on social networking sites
like Facebook.
Preparedness campaigns can refer to the
crisis and preparedness website and thus increase familiarity with it. Some countries have a portal leading
to all kinds of governmental information and may add a clearly visible link to the website that offers information on a current crisis. This website could next to instructions and
background information also include a section in which own tweets and posts are brought together on the current crisis.
Websites that facilitate 112 notifications sometimes also show those
notifications already given or confirmed, and may visualize this using crowd mapping.
Fast procedures and an integral approach with many ways to Rome are advised.